Blog: Thrive Blog

Fitness throughout the ages!

Let’s take a walk through memory lane, to fully appreciate our modern privileges. Timid 1910’s: Basic hip stretches… in ankle length skirts (okay?). If that wasn’t quite your style then...

Find your fitness note!

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” – Plato Music heightens everything. And- it&rsqu...
Fitness, Workouts


We’re going to take a little time to talk about a little something called HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Why? Because it matters, because if you don’t move, if you don’t adapt, you stagnate. I...
Fitness, Workouts, Nutrition

Spring into Summer!

It’s here! It’s finally here! Sun, sandy beaches, fun! You spend your whole year waiting for summer, thoughts of lounging by the pool or beautiful days are what get you through winter. But now that it’...
Fitness, Workouts, Nutrition

It’s the age of FITNESS!

Fitness is IN! We haven’t seen anything like this since the fitness craze in the 70’s. In fact, the growth of the fitness industry in recent years is unprecedented. Why? Well, thanks to this marvelous little ...
Fitness, Workouts

Set your goals alight!

From Nike to Michael Jordan, it seems like every fitness guru’s sole aim in life is to motivate us. Let’s face it, the topic seems well worn, but we all need to be reminded of the basics every now and then. ...
Fitness, Workouts

Your best workout – What works for YOU

It’s now called Functional Fitness, and it’s all the rage for a reason. In our series about getting the best from your workout routine, the entire point is to find your focus points – not in fitting the...
Fitness, Workouts

Your Best Workout - Defining the Core

Core strength.Trendy subject? Definitely. But when you hear about core strength; do you really know what it translates to, and what you should be doing to get there? The reason we are singling out the core is not to go a...
Fitness, Classes, Workouts

Your Best Workout – Harmony by Flexibility

Remember the Formula? A plan + Action = Continued Progress (Success defined!) But going forward with this Campaign, we are looking at the essential building blocks of your best workout.  In our last blog we did ...

Your best workout – Healthy, Happy, STRONG!

   “Ninety percent of the world’s woes come from people not knowing themselves, their abilities, their frailties and even their real virtues” Sydney J. Harris, American Journalist and Autho...